Kind of freaking out....

Medicated chick feed, chick grit, plenty of fresh water. Check the temperature of your brooder. If they are panting, mouths open and avoiding the area under the lamp, the chicks are to hot. They should be actively moving all over the brooder. Not sitting under the lamp or avoiding it.
i just mixed some grit in with their food and put them back with the rest of the bunch and they joined right in the fun. I just raised the lamp yesterday as I was seeing more than one panting while settling down and once I did that they all just spread out around the brooder and snuggled down. I think I'm gonna keep watching. If I notice anything like not eating or drinking, no energy level....stuff like that, then I'll take more intense measures.

Trying to know what "normal" is, is not as easy as some books make it sound. I feel like a new mom with my infant and every little thing makes me jumpy
IMO it's very easy to have the brooder temp a bit warmer than they need. I believe they are much better off being a little cool than a little warm. I think you were wise to raise the lamp.

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