King quail males chasing hen?


Jun 16, 2020
Hi there, just have a question. I Recently brought some king quail. Two males two hens. Ik ik big mistake. But I’ve notice something strange. The males are happily living together and are following one hen around. But the other hen gets harassed when it gets to close. They aren’t chasing it down at all. Just giving it a warning when it gets to close. There is plenty of room in the aviary. It’s around 3.5m x 1.5 or 2m. I’m thinking of getting two more hens. Should I get more than two more. I’m in need of some advice on what to do ASAP. Thanks everyone😁
Hi there, just have a question. I Recently brought some king quail. Two males two hens. Ik ik big mistake. But I’ve notice something strange. The males are happily living together and are following one hen around. But the other hen gets harassed when it gets to close. They aren’t chasing it down at all. Just giving it a warning when it gets to close. There is plenty of room in the aviary. It’s around 3.5m x 1.5 or 2m. I’m thinking of getting two more hens. Should I get more than two more. I’m in need of some advice on what to do ASAP. Thanks everyone😁
Are you 100% sure the one being picked on is a hen? I had same prob but he was pure white but acted like a hen for soooooo long i basicly paird him off with another female and male cuz of room and they seemed like a bonded trio, nope he just took longer to crow weeks longer and HIS name was mina 🤣, also if u have 2 females and they are just into picking mates they both might be trying to win over the same female (females get bigger i think they like big girls) and either not like the female compared to her or dousnt realize its another female while they after the one they want
Are you 100% sure the one being picked on is a hen? I had same prob but he was pure white but acted like a hen for soooooo long i basicly paird him off with another female and male cuz of room and they seemed like a bonded trio, nope he just took longer to crow weeks longer and HIS name was mina 🤣, also if u have 2 females and they are just into picking mates they both might be trying to win over the same female (females get bigger i think they like big girls) and either not like the female compared to her or dousnt realize its another female while they after the one they want
Definitely a hen she laid an egg in my hand.
Definitely a hen she laid an egg in my hand.
Try taking the male that the female they are both chasing seems more interested in and separate them and see if they pair bond, then see if the other male treats the other female different, i would say keep the lonely female in and take the last male out for a whole day then show him the lonely female and see if he acts differently then,
Try taking the male that the female they are both chasing seems more interested in and separate them and see if they pair bond, then see if the other male treats the other female different, i would say keep the lonely female in and take the last male out for a whole day then show him the lonely female and see if he acts differently then,
Seems like the hen is starting to be expected into the flock. I think I might add some more bushes and get two more hens

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