kitchen scraps: counter top compost pail, container, bin etc...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
I've been looking for something to keep kitchen scraps in on the counter. I have a home daycare, and we end up with a lot of scraps at different times of the day. I've tried a trash bin on the counter, and even putting bowls of scraps in the fridge. I don't like doing either because of the smell, and I need it to be neat when the daycare families come at end of the day so I end up bringing scraps out to the coop every chance I get.

I'm looking into this container with a filter:

What do you do? I thought I'd check here since Back Yard Chicken keepers seem to have all the answers :)
I bought the Epica Stainless Steel Compost Bin 1 Gallon back in July and I absolutely love it. (

It holds a good amount, it is easy to clean and I have not had any issues with fruit flies or other pests. When it gets full, I put the scraps in my worm tower that I have to create vermicompost, or if the tower is full I throw the scraps in my large compost pile. Either way, it works great.

I simply use soap and hot water to clean and I let it air dry. Here are photos of mine. As you can see, it sits nicely next to our sink.

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I just have a lidded plastic container that was originally sold and purchased as a "cookie box" for gifting cookies at Christmas (has Santa Claus on it) - during my mom's visit early this summer she was going on and on about Rachel Ray's "GB" (Garbage Bowl) because she's recently retired and now spends way too much time watching daytime t.v., lol, anyway, she decided that I needed to have a "CB" (chicken bucket) for all the food scraps, etc generated in the course of a day so it could be taken out to the coop - and that was the first thing I saw as I was looking around the kitchen for some thing to satisfy her request. The chickens sure know when it is/isn't in your hands as you approach, lol. The lid keeps any smell from being an issue and I do keep it in the fridge if any of the scraps are the type that would stink if left out.
I just googled Rachel Ray's garbage bowl! OMG people would spend $40 on a bowl designated for garbage??? couldn't you just use a bowl!?! (says the girl about to spend $30 on a BUCKET! LOL!)
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I just googled Rachel Ray's garbage bowl! OMG people would spend $40 on a bowl designated for garbage??? couldn't you just use a bowl!?! (says the girl about to spend $30 on a BUCKET! LOL!)

LOL - anything with a name on it is worth more, don't ya know. To be fair to my mom, she wasn't suggesting purchasing THE RR bowl, only that I take a tip from RR and have/used a GB.

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