Klingon takes a bath! (Before and after pics)


7 Years
May 5, 2012
West Wales, UK
Yesterday it rained all day and when I went to feed the chickens I found that Klingon and his brother Herbert had been fighting. They had no injuries except a few comb scratches but clearly they'd had a good old tussle and poor Klingon looked like he'd been dumped in a mud bath. Today the sun came out so I thought I'd share these pictures I of him being washed. He was very good and didn't try to escape or splash me at all.


In the tub......

Drying time.

Does anyone else have chicken bath pics?
Poor Klingon. KaPlah!
I ended up giving Henny my Blue orpington a bath to!! The only reason I gave her a bath was because I thought she was egg bound or something... I even gave her scrambled eggs! But I soon found out that she was just broody!!!! What a bust!!!!! But your Klingon looked really dirty!!! But the pictures gave me a laugh attack!!!
Will have to take an "after" now he's all dry but it hasn't stopped raining and my camera isn't working right. His head is still a bit dirty coz I was worried about getting soap in his eyes but he looks a lot better than before!

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