Knit, crochet, or sew?

My mother used to sew all of our dresses for church, and most of the baby/toddler clothes, so I learned, but I haven't done it in a while. I can crochet squares and shapes, and am halfway through an afghan (like most people who start one, I have been "halfway through" for about three years now.)

Mum thought it was important that we all learn some life skills, and since I can't cook to save my life... (I make a mean reheated ham, and I can cook eggs.)
I used to knit when I was younger with my grandmother. Somewhere there's a bag with a partially finished dark green blanket I was planning to make as a horse blanket someday. I'd love to get back into it, though I don't have much spare time anymore between work and the farm.

Only sewing I can do is sew buttons on things, and crochet is far beyond my comprehension lol.
My middle sister and I were just yesterday about stuff like this and about passing knowledge on to younger generations. Our granddad is in his late 70s and he was raised on a farm. In fact his family had a chicken farm and my dad took poultry science in college so he could be able to take it over, but they sold it before he got the chance. My granddad has all this knowledge about farming and whatnot yet he doesn't care to talk about it much or teach us. We are having to learn all this stuff on our own, but me and my sisters would love to be at least partially self-sustained.

I don't have a green thumb but I love animals and am crafty. I really need to look into stuff and see what I could do that could be useful.

My grandfather was the same way. He could build a boat and outsail anyone in it (won his last regatta at 82), but he never taught anyone else how to sail. I think some people just don't know how to teach. Or just don't have the patience for it.
Sewed when I was in high school and through college, didn't really like it that much though. Finally learned to create my own patterns so I could finally get the look/fit I wanted, still trouble finding the right material that I would visualize for my creations, clothes are relatively inexpensive compared to the time/money to sew your own, eventually confined my efforts to Halloween costumes for my daughter. Still like to crochet, but can't seem to finish anything I start to knit! (it really bores me). Right now, I will only sew if it is a specialty item that couldn't be bought in the store and isn't for everyday use. I do like to find inexpensive, plain sale item like knit shirts to jazz up with ribbon trim/embroidery and crochet edging. My daughter loved the costumes I sewed so much, that she got into cos-play, where they sew costumes from anime characters to wear to conventions. I sewed a few for her, then said this is your hobby and got her a sewing machine. Of all of it, I like to crochet the best. I would only go back to knitting if I could afford one of those machines to do it. But those socks really look cute! Really like those, but know I would probably only get 1 done!
I knit. I’m actually a bit obsessive about it because I find it calming/relaxing, and heaven knows with eight kids I need that!

Right now I’m working on a blanket over the course of the year, plus knitting bonnets, mittens, vests, hats, and sweaters for our youngest four next fall.

Here’s my blanket

Never mind, the photo isn’t working. If your on Ravelry I’m TSOWOATNK.
I knit and do Tunisian crochet (both self taught). I only know the simple stitch for Tunisian though. I'm wanting to learn crochet but I've already got several other projects already going. Lol I think that all knitters are like that.

Right now, with the sun being up so long, crafts are kind of on the side burner, as there's too much to get done before winter. I've already got requests for what people want for Christmas, so I guess I better get busy!

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