Kung Fu Chicks?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 4, 2011
I have two cochin chicks that are 3-4 weeks old. I have them in a dog crate and almost every time I open the door to clean or feed they rush over and kick with their feet. They are supposed to be bantams and I don't know if they're boys or girls. This sounds like rooster behavior to me. Would hens do this too? They also dive bomb each other. I have a Silkie chick with them and it just tries to stay out of their way.
It's normal, for both males and females.

My rooster is a bantam but was raised with all full size hens. I don't remember him ever behaving this way. I didn't intend to keep it if it was a rooster but he's so cute and sweet, a mottled bantam cochin, that I knew he was going to stay. If any of these are boys they will be out of here! Now I'll keep my fingers crossed they are hens. Thanks for the advice!

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