Label for egg carton


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
Being I only have four hens, I will probably never have enough eggs to sell any. But, I will be giving some as a trade this week for a big bag of "fish trimmings" from a friend of ours who owns a local Sushi Restaurant. The chickens loved the fish!! And I am using it in my garden too. Makes great fertilizer.

Anyhow I made this label today. I will glue it on a 6 pack carton.


What do you think?
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OH, to cute!
How did you print it?
We give our eggs to friends all the time and I would love to place a label on the grocery store cartons everyone is giving me.
Oh, I love this! I'm going to steal your idea - I really like the idea of the pictures of the hens with their names! My DH will love playing around with that!
I love it! I have been trying to come up with something and drew a blank so I just ended up making business cards instead. Those are just too neat and very eye catching!

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