lack of oxygen question ****PIC ADDED****


9 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Uxbridge, MA
I decided to help 1 of my eggs that internally pipped this weekend. Its been more then 24 hours and I was getting nervous. I'm glad I helped because it was in a weird position or something and his head was stuck. It was weird. So I left it in the shell and only took off what I needed to in order for it to be able to breathe. He tried a few times to get himself out but wasn't able to. He is sleeping right now, so I am letting it rest.

But I do have a couple questions.
1. ) When I first opened up the shell, his bill was a bluish/greyish color, and now its getting more color and is like a reddish/brownish color. Was the poor little "guy" running out of oxygen, is that why he didn't have color in his bill? I don't remember my last hatch their bills being like that when they hatched..... I have a couple more eggs that internally pipped shortly after this egg so I'm wondering how long to wait before i try to help them as well..... If its lack of oxygen then i willl help sooner rather than later.

2.) Since he was in an akward position and couldn't get his head to where he needed to in order to externally pip, will he be able to get out of the rest of the shell when he is ready or should I be doing something more for it?
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Ducklings do actually have to " almost " run out of air to hatch. Being that you one was possitioned wrong- it would not have been able to hatch on its own with its head down. It should now be able to hatch on its own given time- but it will mostly be weak. Helping too soon could actually further weaken it. Now that it can breath- the emergency is over- so I would suggest being cautious with that one and just monitiring it for a while before trying to help further. As for the others- it could be that some are also positioned wrong - but unlikely they all are.
Thank you....

He/She is almost all the way out. Still absorbing the yolk, though so i'm letter her be.

A couple concerns though. Her feet are still in the egg and as far as I can see, they look very big, almost like they could get stuck. Is this normal? I'm not sure of the breed, as it was a mixed variety and the farm i got them from wasn't sure what was what. Right now, from what i can see, it looks like my pekins did when they hatched, but to me the bill looks smaller than i remember my pekins at hatch time.....

Also he keeps moving his mouth like he is eating something, i don't remember my others doing that. Should I be concerned?
Here is the little fighter - so far i think so good...
What a precious new little life.

The mouth movements you describe- I have often seen with mine. It has enough egg moved to get out when it is stronger and ready. Just make sure the membrane doesnt get stuck to its back or it will restrict the abilty for it to move and kick out of the egg when it is feeling strong enough to do so.

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