Ladies not eating as much


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2015
Up till now we've had few problems. Out of 5 chickens 2 are laying, they are safe and look healthy. This last week though they are not eating as much? We still get 1 or 2 eggs a day though. I did get layer pellets when the eggs came but also have the old food mixed in. They will eat grass and boss no problems but seem to be lacking the food department. We do provide a scratch too which they pick and choose what they like. Grit is available and the poop looks good. 2 water sources, one in the coop and one in the run.

Since they are acting normal I'm not to worried but I was wondering if this was a normal thing or when I should become worried?

Hello & welcome!
Bear in mind, chickens are sensitive to changes - hot weather, change in food, routine etc. As long as they are healthy just monitor their progress. I'm sure they will get back to normal soon,
Chick can eat a lot for their size, all chickens will reach a point when they are done growing and they will eat less because of it, yours are probably done doing that rapid growth that they do and have leveled out in their food consumption. Think of how much growing teenagers can eat.
Makes sense. Thanks for the quick replies. We received our standard payment from the ladies today of 2 eggs. I wish the other three would start pitching in!
I don't know if your hens are old enough to molt, but mine are molting and when they do, they go off their feed at first. They become less active and act like they don't feel very well. Must be hormones kicking in or something. Then they snap out of it as the molt progresses.

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