Ladies post pics of yourself

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Pc help me pick the girls for the calender.n
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Awh, thanks

Haha, he actually does have a shotgun, he is a hunter. Hopefully it won't ever actually have to be used on anything else but a deer
I've wanted to try that! Is it hard?? It looks complicated..
Do you use your chicken feathers for flys?

It is not hard just like everything takes practice. The say women are easier to teach since we don't deal with that male ego thing of casting the line further than the next guy. Yes, both my husband and I tie flies and use all type of feathers. Best part is when you get tired of fishing you can sit on a rock and enjoy the beauty of nature.


Let me know when your teaching chicken gals to tie-flys. I'm so interested in that course.

I don't know if I have the patience to try flyfishing but I like to sit on the rocks and admire the scenery.
You are beautiful inside and out! Sorry about your hen
but your ducky is a cutie.

Thanks Michelle

That is my duck I took to fair with me, she is adorable but don't let her fool you! She bites, haha. I used her for showmanship and after that I had bruises all over my arms where she bite me...the little stinker.

Here I am hope it comes up! Oh maybe beckt will see this and know who I am tomm!
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