Lame duck


5 Years
Mar 16, 2018
Rochester NY
I have a pekin that has an inverted leg and I noticed she is struggling to walk she takes a few steps and falls.. not her normal. She does not have bumble and no heat in her legs. Im worried its kidney failure she is eating and drinking and pooping but there's this bright green color in her poop. I have niacin in one water dish and calcium in another and some apple cider vinegar in another one. Is there something I could do for her how do I know whats wrong. Maybe its arthritis bc its cold again...any thoughts thank you
Sorry to hear your duck is feeling unwell. Providing some more information of the duck would be helpful.

How long has her leg been inverted? Could you post a few pictures, or a video of her leg, and her trying to walk? Could you also post pictures of her poop?
It has been that way since she was a duckling unfortunately. I will get some pics of her poo and her walking.

I look forward to seeing the pictures.

Oftentimes, especially with heavyweight breeds like Pekins, any leg deformity they have, tends to get worse over time, as there is more weight stress on it. Swelling, bone/tissue damage, and infection often becomes an issue.
She either has a deficiency in niacin or has some sort of muscular-skeletal deformity like varus-valgus. I know you said you already checked her feet, but could you do another thorough exam, specifically looking around her hock area for lesions. Birds with leg conditions like this tend to apply great pressure to that area which can lead to a bone infection.

I think this duck would benefit from a daily niacin supplement, water therapy often, possibly in Epsom salts to reduce swelling and inflammation. Keeping her on soft padded grounds to help relieve the weight off her legs would be good. Adding flax seeds to her diet, or any other omega-three source can help prevent the onset of arthritis, and help reduce any pain.

Regarding the poop color. Bright green poop generally means there is some sort of infection going on, but the past few months I've talked to other members whose duck was pooping almost an identical color, and there were no problems. It would still be good to check her legs, for any sores, as if she does have an infection, that would be the most likely entrance into her body due to her condtion.
I will look at the hocks. I was thinking of Epsom salt soak as well. So I have been adding niacin to water. I received a 50lb bag of red wheat ive been giving to them as treats. I believe it has good niacin and vitamins in it for them right? And is better for them then corn? That's different then omega 3s. I have fish oil pills i can squeeze into their water? So I can buy flax seed and sprinkle on the food and that will help w pain? Thank you for all the helpful information

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