Landscaping and Plantings for a Free Range Flock

Where did everybody go? Hot & humid here. I have dense shade in the bird/dog yard. Grass doesn't grow well. Over the years I've let my liriope ( Monkey grass) spread & take over. Stays green all year, blooms and holds up to dog/ bird poop & traffic. Here is Annie enjoying it.

Liriope, huh? I'll have to look into that. Anything that stands up to chickens is welcome around here. Except Cut Leaf Rudbeckia. Boy did I make a mistake buying some of that about 5 years ago. Found out later how invasive it is!

My latest favorite plant is Goldenrod! Yeah, it's a weed. But it gives the chickens shady hiding places, and it's really pretty when it blooms in the fall.
Hi Memphis: this thread is my heart piece. I should be more involved.

How does monkey grass do under pine trees? (A more acidic soil) I have pines with grass starting to fail underneath.

I've pulled some weeds but my gardening has been less than present. Planted the bachelor button seeds. And this season I couldn't wait for... spring is horribly busy with jobs though and this is my excuse.

We have fields of wild golden rod up here. It's gorgeous.
It does great under pines. There is the liriope and there is mondo grass. Years ago liriope was known to spread like crazy. But the newer varieties on the market are the clumping kind. You pretty much can't find the spreading. Mondo spreads and has thinner leaves. Both bloom and liriope can come variegated. I've never seen variegated mondo. Both grasses are used extensively in the south to edge flower beds. I've transplanted most of mine from friends yards who wanted it gone. I mow it late winter. It's getting ready to bloom now. Its also known as Turf Lily.
BC, ajuga is good to zone 3. Spreads quickly. Blooms. I haven't noticed the birds eating it. But it I would think it would be easier to scratch up. Its roots are shallow. I mention ajuga because there are some new & interesting varieties out there now.

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