Landscaping and Plantings for a Free Range Flock

Well, this is quite an interesting thread! I'm smack dab in the beginning of landscaping my back yard and the chickens are a major deciding factor on where and what.

I've got various desert plants in their yard, that they are never in except to pick at one particular favorite bush for whatever reason. Must be delicious.

We have a small lemon tree and a potato bush that they hang out under with plans for a second apple tree, dwarf apricot and one more chilean mesquite to go in this fall.

We have some grass out there, chicken poop has been great for that! We purchased some sort of eco turf seed with clover and yarrow in it to plant in fall when it's cooler. Also got a mix for xeriscape areas that's like a ground cover and can grow a foot tall or so.

Once the over story and grass is in, veggie areas, blueberries, artichokes and herbs will go in next.

I have 17 pages to read now, better get busy!
Here's what was happening in my yard this morning when I let the chickens out. Pearl is hearing Junior Jump down from the Roost here. Pretty alert. She's getting barebacked. :oops:
Pearl and coop.jpg

Here Sylvia is showing me her best side and hopefully dropping some fertilizer instead of just stomping on my Lemon Thyme.

Cheddar Pinks Glorious in their rich Pink Color. Love these.

Sage. Love this one also. Very striking and Dynamic. Nice Height and woody enough to divert the chickens. Can Seperate and Divide.

purple sage.jpg
Nice! Just beautiful BC! And your coop couldn't be cuter! They don't eat those hostas? So the sage holds up to chicken traffic?
Thank you so much Memphis. I see weeds in the photos. And I see the grass needs to be mowed. Need to grab a teenage son off the couch. But clouds are rolling in some rain I think soon.

The chickens love our woods. Cover and good foraging for bugs and frogs and worms and such. They graze a little. But the Sage is pungent enough that they dont really care for it or pick at it. I think it's good for them if they did. But yes. Woody stem so can take a chicken foot or two.

The hydrangeas are loaded with blooms this year. Big and glorious.

I had forgot about this red strain of coneflower or echinacea. It's just bloomed in the last two days and looks fabulous. Lots of young blooms coming as well. Very vibrant.

And just a progress photo of my ornamental grasses. Super slow growers. I thought they were dead in June. Seriously. But these are late to tassel. I think September we get the tassels. Anyways late July and I now know they are not dead. Foliage only. But alive nonetheless. Lol.
Awesome photos. I swear I can hear the breeze rustling through the foliage. I think I also hear a couple of bees buzzing. And the scent of green growing.... Pure earthly heaven.

Thank you lazy. I love that response.
Watch your step as you walk the garden path Doppled in chicken poop.
Ahhh ain't that the life?!


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