Langshan Thread!!!

Plus the Langshans are such big birds their crows are almost melodic. :) or at least not ear piercing screeches.

Yule Yodels!!

and everyone goes "wow!!"
So, he practices more.. much to the annoyance of my neighbors
He looks really well, and by using him right, I am sure he will be a nice foundation for your whites. We cannot really see his comb, but it looks a bit big, and his wattles are definetly on the large side, but by breeding a bit selective, it is actually fairly simple to breed down in size. Try and breed him to hens with fairly small head-gear, use father/daughter or son/mother crosses on the best offspring and their offspring, and you will get a big difference in 3-4 generations. Dont worry too much about number of sprigs for 4-6 generations, you can reduce that as you get numbers too choose from.
Hi, Matt. He looks really well, and by using him right, I am sure he will be a nice foundation for your whites. We cannot really see his comb, but it looks a bit big, and his wattles are definetly on the large side, but by breeding a bit selective, it is actually fairly simple to breed down in size. Try and breed him to hens with fairly small head-gear, use father/daughter or son/mother crosses on the best offspring and their offspring, and you will get a big difference in 3-4 generations. Dont worry too much about number of sprigs for 4-6 generations, you can reduce that as you get numbers too choose from. He is clearly a Croad type, and is worth breeding from. I love breeding whites.
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Hi, Matt. He looks really well, and by using him right, I am sure he will be a nice foundation for your whites. We cannot really see his comb, but it looks a bit big, and his wattles are definetly on the large side, but by breeding a bit selective, it is actually fairly simple to breed down in size. Try and breed him to hens with fairly small head-gear, use father/daughter or son/mother crosses on the best offspring and their offspring, and you will get a big difference in 3-4 generations. Dont worry too much about number of sprigs for 4-6 generations, you can reduce that as you get numbers too choose from. He is clearly a Croad type, and is worth breeding from. I love breeding whites.

I'd hate to fathom your opinion of Yule

^^ meanwhilest, yup! What he said, now.. Get to makin' those babies Matt!!
I dont think I have seen "Yule", but post a picture of him, he can't be that bad? Talk of bad, I will be breeding from this boyo in a bit, I hope. The only thing that is nice abut him is the eye-color But, because my health is not very good, I have sold/given away nearly all my chickens, all I have left is one fairly nice hen + one old hen that may never lay an egg again, and I had an old rooster that stopped doing the job. so I had this boyo given, at least he is pure, I know that, because he comes from a guy that had eggs from me last year. But, I am sure he will make some nice offsprings. The genes are so strong in pure Langshans, so some nice stock will come from anything, you see? Keep breeding, all. Let the Langshans conquer the world (again)!

Some more pictures will follow, I have taken some outside today, I just have not downloaded them yet.
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Hello all! So nice to be able to get back on again! Looks to be a bunch of chatty people on here lately! Nice to see all of you and see this thread alive and well! Went to a swap yesterday and along with the mother of all sunburns, I got a gorgeous white pullet. Excellent type, but those eyes have GOT to be bred out. Bright yellow. Breeding to a black or blue male will take care of the problem a few generations down, but I feel like she will be an excellent start to building up my white flock again.

Petrock, I read that you're trying to hatch some eggs! They're already laying and breeding! WOW! Time flies!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Oklahoma. We definitely got lucky. My husband's business was close to where a tornado touched down and took out a few houses. We were stupefied but still in our lawnchairs watching the lightning crack across the sky and the funnels come down.
I dont think I have seen "Yule", but post a picture of him, he can't be that bad? Talk of bad, I will be breeding from this boyo in a bit, I hope. The only thing that is nice abut him is the eye-color But, because my health is not very good, I have sold/given away nearly all my chickens, all I have left is one fairly nice hen + one old hen that may never lay an egg again, and I had an old rooster that stopped doing the job. so I had this boyo given, at least he is pure, I know that, because he comes from a guy that had eggs from me last year. But, I am sure he will make some nice offsprings. The genes are so strong in pure Langshans, so some nice stock will come from anything, you see? Keep breeding, all. Let the Langshans conquer the world (again)!

Some more pictures will follow, I have taken some outside today, I just have not downloaded them yet.
Sorry to hear about your health problems. I hope this boy gives you some good looking chicks!

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