Langshan Thread!!!

Hello all! So nice to be able to get back on again! Looks to be a bunch of chatty people on here lately! Nice to see all of you and see this thread alive and well! Went to a swap yesterday and along with the mother of all sunburns, I got a gorgeous white pullet. Excellent type, but those eyes have GOT to be bred out. Bright yellow. Breeding to a black or blue male will take care of the problem a few generations down, but I feel like she will be an excellent start to building up my white flock again.

Petrock, I read that you're trying to hatch some eggs! They're already laying and breeding! WOW! Time flies!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Oklahoma. We definitely got lucky. My husband's business was close to where a tornado touched down and took out a few houses. We were stupefied but still in our lawnchairs watching the lightning crack across the sky and the funnels come down.
It's good to hear from your Mikaela! So glad that you were okay during all that scary weather! My flock is still mixed because we don't have the breeding pens finished. It has been one thing after another that has prevented us from doing the work. I have been hatching a few Langshan eggs but it is up in the air who is the father and who is the mother. I just had 2 blacks and 2 blues hatch yesterday and today. I love fat little Langshan chicks!
Been trying to post pictures all day and it hasn't been working! Frustrating!

BGMatt-I have some eggs in the incubator from the same lady in TN you got yours from. Having a hard time getting her NPIP number out of her right now. She sent 13 and three were clear. The rest have mangled air cells so I am hoping I get something out of them. They are developing at least.

I also will be getting some really great eggs from a breeder in Utah. Her Langshans look amazing and actually lay the old school purple sheen egg. Pretty excited about those. My babies are doing good. The blue chick from black mom and still blue...I don't know how it happened?? that's her FB page. If you look in her album, I am getting eggs from the group she calls Barry and the Jets.

I sold a bunch of chicks and kept 14 for myself to pick some to keep once they grow up some. I have more of my eggs hatching this weekend, but anything that hatches is already sold. Go figure...maybe $5 for a chick is too low and I should try to squeeze a couple more bucks out of people, lol. My hen went broody and the other hen is laying all her eggs in the nest with the broody hen and she grabs them before I can get there, ugh. Well, she is a pretty determined sitter so I wish her luck. Not sure what to do with these extras the other hen keeps giving her. I'll wind up with one egg hatching in my incubator each day for 3 weeks after the initial batch hatch... I initially gave her 7 Buckeye eggs to sit on plus a few of their own. She is a really cranky broody and I keep trying to catch her off the nest to count and she may never get off...
. if I try to reach in their she goes nuts and trys to peck the **** out of me.
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Hello LMiller! Went onto the website and those sure are some Beauford Langshans. I guess I'm color blind, all those eggs look straight up brown to me? I have some eggs I've been debating on posting that, I personally think, the color "should" look like. They are from my own flock, but I don't believe I will be separating myself from them to just anyone. Not until the egg color is as good as their conformation and not until all birds lay a similar colored egg at the beginning of their laying cycle.
Hello!! The last egg picture she posted did indeed look brown to me as well. Although it is really hard to show colors sometimes with computers and different monitor setting. She says they get browner later in the cycle on the FB page, but I am honestly not sure how that works (maybe I am remembering wrong). If you look in the album their are some that definitely have the purple tint though. I would be interested to see the eggs you are debating posting...please post. I guess I will see if any look different when they get here.

Lisa, was that person in TN named Jamey Davis? If so then it's same person, and yes a couple air cells were wonky on mine too but it didn't seem to affect hatch rate (got about 50% which I will accept on shipped eggs) I use a cardboard egg carton to keep eggs upright in "lockdown" on shipped eggs and don't turn them first 3-5 days in incubator based on some advice I was given.

First "batch" from these whites are going in tomorrow, HUGE batch of 3 eggs LOL unless I get one tomorrow. One cracked in pen and they gobbled it down before i could get to it I'm hoping it didn't give them a desire to eat more but that was yesterday and got one today so...
I only looked at a few pics on there. I showed these to Thor awhile ago! Hope he weighs in. I have a few more eggs that look a bit lavender to me.

The egg on top next to what I consider brown. As for the color getting more brown later in the year, I can absolutely agree with that. I see it in my own flock.
I am still trying to figure out where the "purplish" egg color thing comes from. I do not see it mentioned in the oldest texts I can find about Langshans, can someone point me in right direction? Is it something that they decided to look at later? I don't think it's something that we should necessarily breed for, the whole "egg color" fads and breeding for that trait has caused some big problems in a lot of breeds and would hate to see Langshans follow that path.
Been trying to post pictures all day and it hasn't been working! Frustrating!

BGMatt-I have some eggs in the incubator from the same lady in TN you got yours from. Having a hard time getting her NPIP number out of her right now. She sent 13 and three were clear. The rest have mangled air cells so I am hoping I get something out of them. They are developing at least.

I also will be getting some really great eggs from a breeder in Utah. Her Langshans look amazing and actually lay the old school purple sheen egg. Pretty excited about those. My babies are doing good. The blue chick from black mom and still blue...I don't know how it happened?? that's her FB page. If you look in her album, I am getting eggs from the group she calls Barry and the Jets.

I sold a bunch of chicks and kept 14 for myself to pick some to keep once they grow up some. I have more of my eggs hatching this weekend, but anything that hatches is already sold. Go figure...maybe $5 for a chick is too low and I should try to squeeze a couple more bucks out of people, lol. My hen went broody and the other hen is laying all her eggs in the nest with the broody hen and she grabs them before I can get there, ugh. Well, she is a pretty determined sitter so I wish her luck. Not sure what to do with these extras the other hen keeps giving her. I'll wind up with one egg hatching in my incubator each day for 3 weeks after the initial batch hatch... I initially gave her 7 Buckeye eggs to sit on plus a few of their own. She is a really cranky broody and I keep trying to catch her off the nest to count and she may never get off...
. if I try to reach in their she goes nuts and trys to peck the **** out of me.
Those Langshans are as about as good they get, WOWZER.

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