Langshan Thread!!!

I def will, but not right now. But I know where to get them
Thank you! I'm glad to hear that you think that she would be worth breeding. :) I just need to move somewhere with more land and no chicken restrictions! I have been trying different breeds to see which ones I want to breed once the move really happens. I love my one Langshan and definitely want more of them! I would love to find a chicken "man" for Bijou! She is such a cool bird who always keeps us entertained.

Very nice petrock! I love her lacing and her back is very nice! You need a good male for her!! :D

I am debating selling a trio of birds. A young cockerel who thinks it's his job to fertilize everything even though, in my opinion, he is way too young to breed at all. A blue hen that is currently laying, but has no feathers on her legs. A black female, breeder quality and a white female, same quality. The black female has sparser than normal leg-feathering. The white doesn't have the type I'm after.

Have too many and I just don't need them any longer thanks to hatching! If interested, please let me know. I haven't decided on a price, but mileage may be factored in. The male is approximately 5 months, hens are 3 years.
Glad to see there are at least a few people on here who know what Langshans are. The most popular question I get from local customers would be "Wow, how did you get your Cochins so big and tall?" This is one of our young breeding Splash roos here. he was 8 1/2 months old in this pic and 33 inches tall.

This pic below is of him and three of his ladies

This next pick has our blue roo and some of the splash girls
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Finally!!!! I can now say I've seen a second splash Langshan in my life!!! Thank you! I finally ha one hatch out, sans feathered legs. On the bright side, if I ever wanted to start a German Langshan a good start.

Welcome to the Langshan thread! I'm not on here very often at all anymore. I hate the new interface but I'm still subscribed to the important threads!
I have a lot more pics posted on my Langshan egg auction on here(wink, wink, nudge, nudge, shameless, almost NASCAR-like plug there) that ends tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. EST. I love the fact you can post a zillion pictures on here for the same low fee of zero dollars and zero cents. The only downside is the lack of customers. I will have to admit, though, that since you dont have to pay fees you end up with almost as much money from your eggs here as you would on ebay.
When you say that these are only the second splash Langshans you have ever seen, do you mean that in the previous 43 pages of this thread no one has posted any of their blue and splash pics? I just found the thread this evening so iI haven't had time to look...
Thank you very much for the compliment. I knew there had to be other people on here with these. I got mine from my buddy at Skyline Poultry last summer. We don't have a ton of different breeds here but these are almost our best seller, just behind our Hink Lavender Orpingtons. These lay much better than the Lavenders though. we are averaging about 6.5 eggs per day with 10 hens over the last 40 days. not bad for birds that dont get layer feed.

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