Lap chickens

the most i've had was 3 at once. i had them under my pop up awning with the shade sides on it and set my chair up to sit with them and relax. the next moment they had all decided that my lap was a nice cozy place to roost and relax too. my EE pullet, polish/houdan pullet and my bantam cochin cockerel all in my lap at once, how sweet it was that day!

2 of my 3 bantam faverolles pullets like to jump into my lap but only one actually lets me pick her up and put her there, the other will only follow when someone else is getting the attention. 2 of my other roos will readily jump to my arms or shoulder to cuddle but i have yet to see if they would jump in my lap and stay there
a lap turkey would be hilarious! How sweet!

I had to post because I am so proud... my 6 week old chick came and hopped up onto my lap today and sat with me for 5 mins!.... I so hope it isn't a darn rooster.......

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