Large and bantam cochin's pics

the pic doesn't do him justice. he is a golden orange color not sure what it is exactly but he is definitely our pretty boy and he knows is

The color is Buff Barred, which is currently a Cochin project color. Your rooster isn't a pureblood Cochin, but he sure is handsome.
One of My Buff Barred Project Cochin Boys

I realize that this is an old thread, but I would love to know more about the Cochins. We have an 18 week old that loks a lot like the barred shown in the earlier end of this thread. It has big comb and waddles, but is just now starting to look GAINT, and is growing shiny feathers on it's back. Likely a roo, but really?! are these guys late bloomers? Or might we jsut have a hen that is roo-ish (wishful thinking)
I have a perplexing Giant Cochin. It has always had a large comb and waddles. At 17 weeks it about doubled in size, at 20 weeks it is startting to grow a few skinny saddle feathers. He/she never makes a crowing sound, has no spurs growing yet, and is as quiet and sweet as can be. Do any of you cohcin lovers notice saddle feathers like a roo on your hens? We can't keep roos here, and we LOVE this bird. I would think at this point we would know, and as we wiat we get mor and more attached...

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