Large Clutches of Eggs Recently


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Yorkshire, Ohio
I have 7 nesting boxes for my 8 hens. I know that's plenty for 8 hens, but I built it for more hens in the future. Untill recently, I would find the eggs in four different boxes. The past few weeks, the majority of eggs have all been in one box. I am curious if anyone else has had the same thing occur. My guess is that they know Spring is in the way, and the hens are clutching them together instincually, so they can brood them. Do you think there is any truth to this? or is just a coinsidence?
I had a broody sitting on 13 eggs up until 3 days ago. Now another hen as taken up sitting on the eggs. Don't know what's up with that!

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