Larkwell Valley (2023)

One of my Spitz girls is now aunt to all the babies in the grow out pen. She just cant be out with the reset because all the roos like her way to much. I really have to get saddles in.

She is a little jealous of the grow outs. Some where in side with the bantams so they fly up when I call and sit on my shoulders or arms. She was like oh no I get to if they get to and flew up and landed on my head. I got her off but was still messing round in the pen calling up the babies.

She came back up and got on my shoulder this time and was pecking baby heads. I poked her back in the head and told her no the babies get to be here too. She put her head behind my ear and just kinda peaked around my face to look after that.

Seriously wish my brother had been out with the phone to take a video of it.
Cochin Mama, Mare and Effie are all just kinda co-raising now. They just seem to swap chicks occasionally. Hey, as long as they aren't killing them, whatever works!

Cochin Mama is so old, she's not waterproof anymore, so when storms come, I try to put her and the babies in the coop, which she hates.
Jezebel and the Phoenix have gone back with the main flock permanently. Jezebel is just too protective of her chicks, it wasn't safe to keep them with the other broodies and their clutches. Plus there are only two chicks between the two hens, so their odds aren't awful so long as they don't do something stupid.

The brahma lost her chick, I never found it, so I'm thinking that a Magpie or raven snagged it at some point.
One of the cockerels just completely sealed his fate.

He's never given so much as a warning before, today he grabbed, twisted, let go and then grab and twisted again in a second spot on my hand, as well as attempted to kick at my hand while twisting. I won't tolerate that behavior period, so he's now in lockdown and will be gone this weekend, along with a cochin who started favoring a foot yesterday with nothing visibly wrong
Bunny has 2 chicks under her. 2 other eggs haven't pipped yet, hoping they do tomorrow otherwise I'll give them to someone else to raise. One egg has been pipped and slowly working on hatching, it started getting dried out under her though so I've popped it in the incubator and remoistened the membrane a bit. Might be another one that just needs the egg to stay still

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