Lash egg?


14 Years
Mar 2, 2009
found this in the nesting box, have isolated a hen for 5 days that seemed to be less energetic than the others but I don't really know who laid it. How long before saying it was a one-off and letting her back with the flock? there's been no other incidence of a similar item for almost a week. Thanks.
View attachment 3180102
found this in the nesting box, have isolated a hen for 5 days that seemed to be less energetic than the others but I don't really know who laid it. How long before saying it was a one-off and letting her back with the flock? there's been no other incidence of a similar item for almost a week. Thanks.
Did you happen to cut it open and see what's inside?
It might be lash egg, but it could also be several membranes wrapped together. Hard to know.

If the hen is acting fairly normal, eating/drinking, then I'd let her back with the flock and see how she does. She may have some issues with re-integration if she's been separated this long. Hopefully not.

I'd observe behavior of all and see if you find any more like this.

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