Late blooming boy or fast developing girl?

Was looking back at this thread again just now. And I have no idea what made me think cockerel.
Maybe I missed a photo that I saw last time...idk.
I am sneakily switching my vote to pullet. Nothing to be seen here. Rooster voted pullet all along.
Any updates?
Was looking back at this thread again just now. And I have no idea what made me think cockerel.
Maybe I missed a photo that I saw last time...idk.
I am sneakily switching my vote to pullet. Nothing to be seen here. Rooster voted pullet all along.
Any updates?
Oh really? That's cool! I sure hope it's a pullet. I can get some more pics today. She/he hasn't changed much.
I had it pegged as a definite boy as a baby.
Here's some updated pics! Just took these. It's a super windy day, so excuse that if it shows in any pics. She/he is so frustrating to take pics of. Never cooperates, lol.
Today, 11 weeks old. I feel more like boy this week, but Idk. Still no saddle feathers or any pointy feathers at all really.

To the right of Raven...


And a close up

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