Late egg from rotten nest - can I discard it with a clear conscience?


May 2, 2020
Good day, my first time mommy hen was sitting on one egg, so the same or next day we added 6 more that we bought. Her little egg hatched on Wednesday and today is Sunday. She hasn’t left the nest. 2 eggs exploded while she was sitting on them. Yesterday 2 more exploded. And 1 broke op (did mommy open it) en to reveal a dead chick that had not absorbed its yolk. The last egg I am afraid will explode. I want to put 2 bought chicks under her. Can I remove that egg with a. C clear conscience? It’s had like 4 eggs explode on it. The float test was inconclusive. Please let me know what you think.
Good day, my first time mommy hen was sitting on one egg, so the same or next day we added 6 more that we bought. Her little egg hatched on Wednesday and today is Sunday. She hasn’t left the nest. 2 eggs exploded while she was sitting on them. Yesterday 2 more exploded. And 1 broke op (did mommy open it) en to reveal a dead chick that had not absorbed its yolk. The last egg I am afraid will explode. I want to put 2 bought chicks under her. Can I remove that egg with a. C clear conscience? It’s had like 4 eggs explode on it. The float test was inconclusive. Please let me know what you think.
Have you candled it? This involves shining a bright torch into it in a dark room to look for movement. The torch on a smart phone is bright enough. But there is a good chanceit's no longer viable.

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