Late Fall Chicken Quilt Block Swap

Found a few chick-mix fabrics, with coordinating colors...We have another cloudy, windy day... I am home alone...going to find a block I like and get started, who can go wrong with chicken fabric :)
I found a lot with chickens, and I'm trying to decide how to go about it too.

There are only 3 of us, which is OK to me, but that means we have to optioin of either sharing more with each other by making 12 a piece (maybe in 4 patters) so we can each still have 12 new blocks to work with, even if there are only a few of us.

OR, we could make extra large blocks if we want. Any thoughts fellow quilters?
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This sounds like an awesome idea. My quilting skills are not quite up to par to be included though.
I wish I had more time.. I would be so in!
but my husband is getting ready for another deployment and I'll be up to my eyeballs trying to get stuff done around here that requires his help before he leaves.

*goes hunting for poultry patterned material anyway*
RockingBearRanch - I'll sign you up!!

I would love to join you but live across "the pond" in the UK !
Welcome aboardm fenrosie. Besides, I'm seen some of the lovely quilt work in the UK quilt mags.
I'll add you to the list!
Can't join this time.............hubby unemployed and I need to work so much I can
. But I hope things are going better, so that I can join the winter swap
. But I will peek to see all the wonderful work you are doing
Wont be able to send stamps on my envelope- dose any one have a paypal account you can charge me?? Or any other suggestions?? Will have to get busy so that you get them in time, have a HUGE stash of chicken fabric.
Hi Fellow Quilters!

We are up to 5 folks who are sewing 12 x 12 blocks. I think, if nobody else joins in the next week, we might be able to make 10 each, and everyone will get and give 2 to everyone. If another joins, we'll make 12. (still 2 each) but if more join, we'll just make it one block per person.

How does this sound???


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