Late introduction


May 8, 2018
Ball Ground, GA

My name is Avi, and my wife is Susan. We are both new to ducks. We recently moved to a property that is sitting on front of a small private lake (about 3.5 acres). When we first moved here, there were 5 adult Pekin ducks already living on the lake, and roughly 15-30 Canadian Geese that seem to be attached to the area as well.

Over the past year or so, 4 of the ducks disappeared, we assume due to predators. So my wife and I (read: my wife), wanted to get the lone duck some company. Fast forward a few weeks and we have just hatched 3 ducklings - that survived our novice handling. Then about a week later another 6.

We now have 3 Pekin ducklings, 2 Silver Appleyards, 4 Black Swedish.

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