Late Stage Duck Egg Incubation Questions and Issues!

Sadly the second duck died half way through the zip - I think there was some liquid pooled at the bottom of the egg and it drowned.... I was too late to help and I feel awful :( It was fully formed and had absorbed the yolk - I'm sure it would have been fine if I had assisted with the zip in time :(

The third egg is still trying to pip internally - it's been almost two days, so I made a small external pip hole, only to see that the beak had not yet broken through the internal membrane. It's still trying, but I'm not hopeful.
Oh, no! So sorry for your loss. :hugsHoping and praying baby number 3 pulls through!! :fl

Thank you. I wanted to update you all as I often read through incubation posts for education and never find out the ending! The last little one is still alive, peeping and yawning. I made a much larger hole in the air sac this morning after no external pip over night - looks like there are still some blood vessels there, so have put as much water as I can in the incy to try and keep the humidity high enough for her. She's on a damp cloth and her eyes and nose are clear of membrane so she can sit there and rest now.

This may be a hard one as I don't think she will be strong enough to hatch herself, which means I may need to provide a high level of assistance over the next day or two and manually unzip.

Hatching is so hard!! I don't think I will do the incubator thing again. Might leave the next lot up to Mumma Duck!


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She pulled through :) She has a bit of splayed leg, but is otherwise healthy and cheeky!

I have put her on nutritional yeast and a vitamin supplement which will hopefully support her legs.

Thanks everyone - 2 outta 3 is OK :)

Congrats! :ya
Post some pics if you get a chance.

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