Latest call duck hatch


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
New Hampshire
Latest call hatch,hatched last week. 11 eggs total in the incubator. 3 were quitters on the last candling before lock down leaving 8. Day 26, lots of wiggling. Kept my hands to myself and left the incubator alone. Day 28, no external pips, starting to get nervous! Candled, to check status of these boogers. 5 with beaks in aircells. Put them back in, increase humidity. Day 30, still no external pips....... Grrrrr. Swore I wasnt going to interfere with batch, but cant let em be. Candled again and removed egg shell around air cell. Put back into incubator. Candled other eggs and decided to wait longer. Next day 6 babies out of shells. One dead in incubator, other 5 happy and healthy. Candled remaining 3 and opened air cells once again and put them back in. Over next 2 days helping to moisten and eventually they hatched. All three hatched, but 2 passed away yesterday and today. Very weak and didnt ever eat. Eggs seemed dry again internally, so something seems amiss with my incubator. I will have to purchase something to compare and see how accurate it is. I've seen people posting about the brinsea spot check, so maybe we'll give that a try. This will be my last hatch for a few months. All of the call ducks are outside and enjoying the freedom of the entire pen. We will construct breeding pens hopefully at some point! Here are some pics of the babies. We got a couple of new colors compared to the last hatch. We are hoping one is a pastel. Our snowy and white threw another black bibbed fella. I'm not going to breed those two together anymore! I'm keeping my eye out for mates for all of my unmatched ducks. Much easier to just breed them to their color. I'm definitely not a geneticist! Also have room for only so many ducks! Uploading pics right now! Enjoy and love feedback on them!



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One more! I have new pics from today, but didnt feel like moving them onto the computer! Will try and post the one week updated photos soon.
VERY CUTE! I had 8 Call Eggs in last month. One hatched with my help. Saw movement in 4 others. 2 quit right before absorbing the yolk. 2 made it til day 26 and I did not interfere. I wish I would have. I beleive the shells were hard. they came through the air sac and I candled very quickly in the evening. Went to bed and they were dead in the morning. I should have drilled a hole in the top of the shell so they could get more air. Hatching these little ducks is challenging. Do you find your calls to be hatching in 26,27 or 28 days? Like you I would like to try a new incubator although my LG still air did well holding steady temp and humidity. They are fun though! Here is a pic of the ONE I hatched. looks like your first picture.
I am going to check out the Spot Check also, Scott. Read about your hatch and you did fabulous! It is so dry here that I have a hard time keeping the humidity up. Put a wash cloth in the bator spread out and that helped alot. Will be following your next hatch too. GOOD LUCK!
I wish I could just get eggs. The one we did get, quit developing. What is the secret to getting Calls to lay? I would love to know it. Ours are young.

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