Lavendar Orpington Runt - Please Help


May 1, 2019
I’m wondering if there’s anything more I can do for my tiny runt, Jem. She hatched 3/5 and was smaller from the others to start but I thought she would catch up. She hasn’t. This picture shows her next to a day old hatchling. Jem has her back to us. She seems to be breathing hard, almost like she’s panting. I’ve left a corner of her brooder at 95 degrees since she’s so small knowing she could move away from the heat. She pretty much stays there. And of course her new chick sister needs tbd heat. I had to move the other chicks on to the bigger brooder but I was afraid she would get trampled so I left her behind and added this chick for company. I started her on 24% protein food up from 18% and added nutridrench. Is there anything else I can do for her?
Many thanks,
Mary Beth
Nutri-drench is vitamins and electrolytes too. Are you putting it in the water or administering to the beak directly? Putting in her water is enough. I don't think there is anything else you can do. It will be up to her to eat, drink or not. Good Luck! :confused:
Nutri-drench is vitamins and electrolytes too. Are you putting it in the water or administering to the beak directly? Putting in her water is enough. I don't think there is anything else you can do. It will be up to her to eat, drink or not. Good Luck! :confused:
I just put it in her water. I was afraid she might aspirate it if I put it her beak. Thanks for your response!
I'm so sorry to hear she passed. I also recently had a lavender orpington chick pass. I got mine from Rural King with a few others. He was small and clearly not doing well when I bought him, but I wanted to give him a chance anyway. He wouldn't eat or drink unless I used my finger to put water along the side of his beak, but I found it odd since all I was doing was putting the water on his beak and not syringe feeding or anything. Then he'd drink it, once it was there, but multiple times he spit up water. I don't know if it was aspiration or something else. He ended up passing about a day after I got him.
Sometimes there's not much you can do, even if you try your best, unfortunately. Thank you for being sweet to her and trying.
So sorry, some little ones are not fit for this difficult chicken world. I think you should get a replacement right away! :hit :hugs
I did! There’s no replacing Jem but when I sent a pic of Jem and her regular sized counterpart to the hatchery several days ago asking for advice, they offered me another lavendar orpington. I took them up on it because I needed to move her brooder mates out (too big) and wanted her to have company. I picked up the new lavendar a couple days ago. The new girl cried and cried this morning when Jem died so I went to the farm store to get a second chick. Turns out they won’t sell less than two so I added an Easter egger and a buff orpington. I now have 19 chicks in my basement ranging from 6 weeks down to a few days old. I must be crazy!
I did! There’s no replacing Jem but when I sent a pic of Jem and her regular sized counterpart to the hatchery several days ago asking for advice, they offered me another lavendar orpington. I took them up on it because I needed to move her brooder mates out (too big) and wanted her to have company. I picked up the new lavendar a couple days ago. The new girl cried and cried this morning when Jem died so I went to the farm store to get a second chick. Turns out they won’t sell less than two so I added an Easter egger and a buff orpington. I now have 19 chicks in my basement ranging from 6 weeks down to a few days old. I must be crazy!
You ain't crazy. It's chicken math! I'm glad you have new happy chicks again. You will love it when they grow up and love you and follow you around! :hugs

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