Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

Are lavenders close to APA acceptance?? Anyone with an update as to their status with the APA?

Not that I am aware of. One of the hang ups I think is the Name.... Lavender. But I am totally out of that loop. Maybe @jerryse will know a think or 2 on that subject.
Not that I am aware of. One of the hang ups I think is the Name.... Lavender. But I am totally out of that loop. Maybe @jerryse will know a think or 2 on that subject.

The club has no immediate plans . It is up to the club to decide when to apply for a qualifying meet . The name is a hang up . Time will help . The lavenders get better each year .
I totally shocked today and found a pretty blue egg in my grow out pen
I so didn't expect that. I never noticed them even getting red in the comb.

I have not had Lavender Am eggs in almost a YEAR! I need to set up a pen and put them with my Smith Lav Ams. I have 2 lav pullets and 3 roos to pick from LOL. 2 really as one I know is carrying white. I will try some Lavs and then put them with my Black roos from Smith for some splits.
I have one lavender that I can't tell if it is a pullet or a cockerel. I hope it is a pullet and looks like a pullet, but she is getting red in the comb. I have an little cockerel that I am not sure what color he is.


I have one lavender that I can't tell if it is a pullet or a cockerel. I hope it is a pullet and looks like a pullet, but she is getting red in the comb. I have an little cockerel that I am not sure what color he is.

Not sure that is lavender . Looks more blue to me . I would say pullet . Especially if they are the same age . Cockerel is a EE and if they came from the same source then she is a EE also . Blue is fairly common in EE .

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