Lavender Orp..what gender are they?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 20, 2014
Hi! Any guesses on the gender of these two are? My husband thinks both are roo's, I think we have one of each (left being a boy, right a girl). The one on the left (redder and larger comb/wattles) almost sounds like he's trying to crow at times. I've noticed this when I pick the other up, he/she seems to panic almost and makes a lot of noise. Size wise they are both the same size, legs appear to be the same size as well. I'll post a couple more photos in comments

1st photo is one of left in original post, 2nd is one on right, bottom is both their tails. They're rather difficult to get photos of this morning

I'm thinking your husband is right, 1 and1. Here's is a pic of my boy and girl

I'm thinking your husband is right, 1 and1. Here's is a pic of my boy and girl

they are such pretty birds! talking with friends who have young roo's, i'm certain the one is a boy. i'm only concerned about the other because she has a comb/wattles too but they are smaller and not red. is it possible to have a female with a comb/wattle that looks like that? our middle girls (around 17 weeks old now) didn't have combs like that around this age. they lady we got them from couldn't remember how old these were so we're guessing 8-10 weeks old

I think you have two males, sorry. Orps are a slower to mature breed, and at this age a female shouldn't have any comb to speak of. Your boys are developing differently, but I do believe they're both boys.
@Basskids08 from a lady a little over an hour from where we live. i believe she breeds and she rescues.

@donrae that's what my husband had said. i know our other girls didn't have combs but they are different breeds ( 2 easter eggers and 1 barred rock). i wasn't sure if perhaps it was just a breed thing or not. our older 2 ladies were a year old when we got them from my husband's friend. we're a little lost on these 2. around what age will we be able to tell for certain?
We definitely will wait. I'm going to hold out hope at least one is a female. The lady we got them from said we could bring them back if they were roo's and choose 2 more. She just couldn't promise she would have any lavender's.

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