Lavender Orpington project ....

Does anyone have lavender eggs for sale? Great home, kids involved, really want to raise from eggs! Thanks, Suzanne
Does anyone have lavender eggs for sale? Great home, kids involved, really want to raise from eggs! Thanks, Suzanne
It's best to get eggs shipped as close to where you live as possible. I'm not sure where you are located, but "thepickychicken" on ebay has some great Lavender eggs and does an amazing job on packaging. She's in TN. I have 9 beautiful chicks I hatched from her eggs. There are others to choose from on ebay, too. There are beautiful Lavenders out of Florida and Washington State, too. Just make sure you look at the pics and feedback. Some of the Lavenders on ebay have brown seepage in their coloring and there was one that had such a tiny weird looking head I wouldn't buy from. I've found it easier to buy eggs on ebay because you don't have to wait long. I don't know if you're like me, but I'm not very patient waiting for eggs or chicks to become available. Besides, it's actually fun bidding on ebay. Yesterday, I bought some B/B/S from The Loft at Holly Lane in TN, and they were in the mail an hour later. I should be getting them today. He was ready to ship when the bidding ended. Eggs are a gamble and pricey, but well worth the risk when you have beautiful chicks to show for it.
It's best to get eggs shipped as close to where you live as possible. I'm not sure where you are located, but "thepickychicken" on ebay has some great Lavender eggs and does an amazing job on packaging. She's in TN. I have 9 beautiful chicks I hatched from her eggs. There are others to choose from on ebay, too. There are beautiful Lavenders out of Florida and Washington State, too. Just make sure you look at the pics and feedback. Some of the Lavenders on ebay have brown seepage in their coloring and there was one that had such a tiny weird looking head I wouldn't buy from. I've found it easier to buy eggs on ebay because you don't have to wait long. I don't know if you're like me, but I'm not very patient waiting for eggs or chicks to become available. Besides, it's actually fun bidding on ebay. Yesterday, I bought some B/B/S from The Loft at Holly Lane in TN, and they were in the mail an hour later. I should be getting them today. He was ready to ship when the bidding ended. Eggs are a gamble and pricey, but well worth the risk when you have beautiful chicks to show for it.
I generally feel that it doesn't matter how far a buyer and breeder live apart so much as it depends on how far each is from an airport. I find that eggs that spend the least amount of time on a truck do the best, and have had my eggs produce 100% hatches in Alaska, despite my location in Kansas. I have also had HIDEOUS hatch rates in Oklahoma and Wichita (just a morning's drive) because the entire trip was on a truck- and they took longer than the Alaska eggs to arrive! Hope this helps! I don't have pure Lavenders anymore, as I'm still focusing on the Isabels and trying to refine the partridge pattern in them, as well as build back in the mottled. Nice to see everyone still working diligently on this variety.
Wow, thanks for the response! We are in WV. I am currently watching some eggs on Ebay. If that does not work out. I will PM you to see if you could ship me some. So excited about this! My 9 yo son does not always get involved in things - the chickens are very interesting to him. Going to be a great mother-son project, as well as the start of healthier chicken eating in our family!
I know how you feel. I have a 7 yr old son who loves the chickens. He's really into Pokemon, too, and tries to talk to me all day about the chicken type Pokemon. There's nothing like the family crowding around the kitchen counter watching eggs hatch. He was really excited when we told him in a couple of weeks that a friend of my husbands is going to help us "harvest" our first chicken. He wanted to be part of the process (he understands exactly what's involved) -wasn't sure how to take that one. I told him he couldn't watch til he's older, but he can help me cook. His only request is that we don't "harvest" Rocky or Rocket.
I agree with renee. I have shipped eggs clear to alaska and had good hatches. However i have ordered eggs from one state over and had nothing. Its far more important how fresh they are, how they are packaged and allowing them to rest after arrival. Also, be super super careful about where you're getting eggs. Make sure you are seeing pics of breed stock. I am working on adding new lines to my project and i am quite dishartened that there are so many sellers but so few who are doing anything to increase the quality.

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