Lavender Orpington project ....

She has been broody for a couple weeks, so I think her lobes are more pale than white. For barred olive eggers, not too concerned about lobe color, just barring enough to sex the chicks at hatch, and dark green eggs. Secondary traits like beards and clean shanks optional. They are not supposed to be Ameraucanas, just barred, and lay dark green eggs is my main goal. Clean legs and beards optional but preferred. Thanks all for the input. I don't recall if she feathered fast or slow. I raise a lot of chicks and to be honest, from this cross, (single barred gene roo) I was only looking for whether the chicks, the ones with small spots on their heads, developed into roos or hens. I don't recall any slow featherers, or bare backs in this bunch, now that I think of it. Probably feathered out normally. Don't know for sure though, as it was not a concern at the time. Just wanted some barred pullets and a double barred, bearded, clean shanked roo. Got my wish enough to hang in for another year. Got a bunch that did not make the cut either, and they went to other homes.
Here is the wing of the only chick I have that I know is hatched from an egg she laid. It is across the back of a cockerel that is going red in the face but not crowing yet. (future dinner bird) for comparison of the colors. See how it is not really black and white, when compared to the cockerel? Same with the mama bird. She never was exactly black and white, Kinda burnt dark brown colored. And I took a pic of the chick, which REALLY DID NOT WANT TO COOPERATE, so I just made it dizzy and quick snapped an out of focus shot to show the size. It is sitting on 1 x 1/2" wire, for scale. It has never lived in the sun and is in the process of growing IN feathers, not molting them. Just showing it to curious people to explain as to why I always scratch my head about the color of that hen and this chick. Maybe it is just "bad black" and not chocolate? Poodles come in "bad black" so why not chickens?


I'm so sad. I think my English Orp eggs are all duds. It must have been too hot somewhere along the way, because I'm seeing nothing for development. I'll leave them another week to be absolutely certain, because I did the I'm-afraid-to-touch-them-they're-so-important candling from above w/o moving them, but nearly everything else I got that day and my own eggs are developing visibly, so I'm sad.

Also set that day, I have a whole batch of JG that aren't developing from another breeder, but the other eggs that came with the JG are, so it's just that breeder's roo that wasn't working out.

I'm bummed.
ChooksChick I am so sorry...that is a real bummer indeed.

Kathy that is a great looking lavender. Speaking of Lavenders...have you and scbatz33 decided what to do with those few fragile things that hatched from your lav orp order? I saw them and they are pathetic little 2 weeks old they were smaller than my 3 day old orp babies. I do not know where you two got those eggs but don't buy from that seller again, you were ripped off bigtime. I'll tell Sarah if she wants me to help her cull them just give me a call...I would cull them now if I had hatched them...they cannot possibly grow up to be worth anything. Sad really.

The blue boy I got from Sarah is awesome...Lancelot is his name and Cheyenne is having a blast with him...he got to meet Ebony today and he laid the law down quick with her too. hahahaha
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oops, well, I thought I could wait but I put 2 LOP eggs in the incubator yesterday.
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