Lavender Orpington project ....

There are two lavenders...

The blacks are split-lavenders, and it's probably just the lighting. I was shooting them from inside their covered enclosure.
Here's one of the SL roos...
This is Kathy's photo

My two never looked like the one on the right, which is what I see with most, if not all, of my orpington roosters. The lavenders and split lavenders are from the same hatch, and the combs on the SL roos are much bigger than the lavender's...
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

My 2 lavs are 12 weeks old now... any thoughts on gender? I keep waffling.......

This is the split-lav pullet and roo... so obvious... but I'm still not sure on the lavender.

I'm not seeing the normal shiny feathers that roos get...

Added a couple more...

Is the "barring" in the feathers what is referred to as "fretting"? It's a new term for me...

I am seeing cockerel at 12 weeks, my lavender girls never get combs or wattles til POL. The barring is what we are referring to as the fretting, as you take each generation with the best black orp stock and hatch it does go away. Mine has anyway.

Also the comment on APA judge and black orps I think she has split blacks that carrying the lavender gene so they are a project not pure orp. Doesn't matter what a judge thinks. lol​
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

My 2 lavs are 12 weeks old now... any thoughts on gender? I keep waffling.......

This is the split-lav pullet and roo... so obvious... but I'm still not sure on the lavender.

I'm not seeing the normal shiny feathers that roos get...

Added a couple more...

Is the "barring" in the feathers what is referred to as "fretting"? It's a new term for me...

Tory, they're looking good. Can't wait to find out what mine are. With my luck, probably all roos.

I do have more LO eggs in the bator from another BYC member and as of day 7, last Monday, they are all developing.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

My 2 lavs are 12 weeks old now... any thoughts on gender? I keep waffling.......

This is the split-lav pullet and roo... so obvious... but I'm still not sure on the lavender.

I'm not seeing the normal shiny feathers that roos get...

Added a couple more...

Is the "barring" in the feathers what is referred to as "fretting"? It's a new term for me...

I don't know - it could go either way. Normally I'd agree with Tuffoldhen, but with the "project" birds I have seen the pullets pulling a huge comb early. If there are no out crossing to more "type" birds in the line you may see pullets with a larger comb earlier. I know I didn't start seeing the more typical comb and wattle development until I added in 100% orpingtons to my lavender pen. Now my splits are more type in their development but the straight lavs can still through a whopper of a girl!​
Thanks guys... they just look "girly" to me. All of my other Orp roos have massive tree-trunks for legs, and these two are still pretty slender. I'm going to keep hoping for girls.
I have two more in the brooder that are 7 weeks old, plus the three split-lavenders to start with. I think it will be enough. I have a couple of beautiful black babies growing out that I'm hoping will help later if needed.
looks to me the one on the right is a boy (both my boys feathered in so slowly) and the one on the right *could* be a girl. again im no expert as im just growing my first orps, but i agree with the comment that they are still in the "project" phase so depending on the line will mature at different rates. hopefully you have a girl!
Actually, the photo just above is not my birds... it's Kathy's.
Mine are on the page before...
Tori, all of the lavenders I see in your pics look like cockerels to me.

Both of Kathy's also look like cockerels, but they could be pullets that will have larger than normal combs. Those two are at the confusing stage that could go either way, but they are both the same sex. You cannot sex these birds by feather growth. They are not bred for it. Girls or boys could be slow feathering or fast feathering.

Nice looking birds everyone!

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