Lavender Orpington project ....

You can have them.......I am not fond of the black mottleds. Lav mottleds are another story though!
ummmm do I want this mottled orp baby? hmmmm I did give you 4 cuties today hmmmmm want a frizzled boy? hahahahahaha

If you do not want to grow it out Sarah, bring me the little one and I will grow it out. I think it would be interesting to see what it grows out like. You know where I live, door is always open.
Sarah, wanna trade some eggs!?!
Hi there,

I know the answer is probably contained with in this long thread. I just can not seem to find the time to get through the whole thing.

I have 4 Lav. Orps that are 5 weeks old. 2 have dark legs and the darker hue around the face and 2 have light colored legs and no dark hue around the face. What is "correct" at this point?
Lavender chicks can be born all shades of lav and have dark/light and white on the legs and toes. As they grow the legs will darken out and as for their plumage, some stay a lighter shade of lavender and others will be a darker. There is not right or wrong shade as far as I am aware of, breed for your personal preference.
If the have lighter in more a pink than slate, it is possible they are carrying the mottled gene.

Do you have pics? My question would be on the two with darker faces....are they blue and not lavender?

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