Lavender Orpington project ....

Just wanted to share some of the Black split Orps I hatched last fall from eggs from BethG and scbatz33.

This is the trio I'm keeping along with a lav pullet. About 8 months old now. One of the younger roos is the 4th one in the first pic.



The other 2 roos and 2 pullets I'm still trying to decide on. They're about 3 wks younger and a bit smaller.
I received my first lavender orp eggs 2 mo. ago from a reputable breeder who has been working on this project for quite a while and graciously sold my friend and I a dozen. He has been so helpful in my choosing which chickens are needed and teaching me about the genetics. I bought 2 Eng. Orp chicks from the roo in this pic. He was in the poultry show I attended and showed in. He is quite impressive. You can't tell as much about him since I am holding him..he was indeed an armful!

I don't post here a great deal but keep up with it in order to learn more on the breeding aspects. I agree with what you said is a shame what people will do to make a quick buck. It really is not fair to those of us who put a great deal of time into improving the breed. That is the one positive thing about this thread. You are able to weed out the crap and get some good hard info here and able to find good reputable breeders who are looking for the same goal as myself. Is there any way you can breed the HUGE poop factor out of the Orps??
I is as big as my dogs!!



Oh..and he is the small one.
Wow!! Gorgeous rooster!!

I only have 2 right now.. they are 2 months old a blue and a black, both split to lav supposedly..

What do you experts think of them so far?


He is stunning!!!!! And Enormous!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! Sometimes I worry that I come of as cranky! But it just kills me. I wish more people would read through this thread & actually do their homework before making a purchase then "breeding" what they've got.
I'm going to have to keep up with this topic! Recently order 30 eggs from Tony with a chance of B/B/S, Lav., and white.
for some lavenders. Just love the color. Eggs should be here any day, then into the incubator they go.
Does anyone have a pic of their chicks at around 6-7 weeks old. I have 2 that I think are roo's because their combs are red but they have little to no waddles i'll try to get a pic of them but my camera is acting goofy
Thanks, I'm pretty sure after looking at the pics I have boys but that's ok because they are very sweet and handsome boys now I just need to get them a few lo girls

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