Lavender Orpington project ....

Neither would be lavender if they have red leakage. They could possibly be splits, but the lavender gene dilutes red too. I have seen dilution in my flock with only one copy.

For further clarification, they could have red leakage, but it would appear as a creamy gold color if they were lavender.
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pips&peeps :

Neither would be lavender if they have red leakage. They could possibly be splits, but the lavender gene dilutes red too. I have seen dilution in my flock with only one copy.

For further clarification, the could have red leakage, but it would appear as a creamy gold color.

Sorry, I wasn't clear, when I read back over my statement - "If those supposed "lav" and splits have red leakage, they have blue in them. They will be so much much harder to correct."

What I meant is if they are truely showing the "red" color as in the pictures, they are blue, not lav. I've seen RIR crosses that look similar in coloring as what is in the one bird. The other look like a smutty blue, IMO.

Thanks P&P for helping me to reread! LOL! Sometimes the point I'm trying to make isn't as clear on "paper" as it is in my head!​
What is the difference between 'blue' and 'lavender'? I hopefully have some lavender orps and americanas in the incubator now... they were added into a batch of shipped eggs to make a dozen. I have no interest in showing or even having a project line, but am curious as to the difference between blue and black, and how you tell.
Cows and Chickens: Thank you for the detailed response. The chicken in the background is a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. The Orpington in question does not have any copper. It is just something about the photo that makes it look like there might be.
Was wondering if anyone can tell if this is a roo or a pullet? And are the lavenders much slower in feathering and growth than other breeds/colors? This one is 14 weeks old.



Am on my phone so pic is small for me...will check on my puter later, with that lav orp pullet is 20 weeks and still has no wattles
I am going to say cockeral until I get a bigger view later...
If the bird is not showing any wadles at 20 weeks, I am guessing Pullet. My Blacks and blues are 23 and 24 weeks and showing just very small waddles. I had two Roos and at 13 weeks. There was no mistake in their gender, but for the longest time I could not tell if my girls were girls! Lucky me All six were.

I currently have three Lav chicks about a month old. Two show longer tail feathers and one has shorter ones. Combs look about the same on all three. First guess is roos with longer tails?? These are my first Lavs. Any thoughts on this?

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