Lavender Orpington project ....

Here are some of my Lavender Orps. They are around 6weeks old,


This is Lavender pullet who is around 4 months old


And here she is again with he friends


I just
this breed!!
I can try to get some better shots of them. Those are under the red lights and inside the blue brooder while having blue food coloring still on them. I'll give it a try tomorrow in better lighting. What does splash mean.

Splash is a white bird with black/blus splotches randomly on the body. They can be very light and people have been selling them as lavender. I'll try and find a pic......
splash hen......

white chick on left, splash chick on right....

These are NOT my pics or birds. Just using them as examples of coloration
This is the seller that I got them from I don't think they look like the splits - so that's why I figured they were pure lavender. I'll have to get a better picture - but the lighting hasn't been good here with all the rain and overcast. As soon as I get a better picture I'll post. Either way they are adorable. I wanted them for their brown eggs and beautiful grey coloring.

Okay here is a little better picture of one of them - the lighting still isn't too good. But this is little Francis - I can tell by the brown dot on her head
they all look the same in coloring and I've used the permanent marker on the head concept to help keep control over who is who. They still have a hint of blue coloring on their feathers that is leftover from the blue food coloring I put in the incubator water wells (big mistake, won't do that again). I'll try to get a daylight picture soon.

If they turn out to be splash - that will be fine - those are still very pretty birds. We won't be breeding them - just enjoying them in the backyard.

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Here is my 6th generation Hink-JC rooster. He just turned 7 months old and is a monster. I ordered Lavender eggs from a 2 people here and one lot was infertile and I culled the other lot because I got some chicks that were black and some that were solid yellow and just didn't want to take a chance on the others being mutts. So Now I have a really nice rooster and no pullets or hens for spring

Better to know exactly what your breeding then to produce a bunch of chickens that you have to wonder about. Maybe I will luck up and find some by spring

I am interested in purchasing a couple lavender orps to add to my flock. Is anybody who breeds them going to be at the poultry show that is coming up in Ohio?
Is anybody breeding their Lav Orps to English Orpingtons?

To improve type, overall size, feather quality, etc?

Does anyone have pictures of your results of so?
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