Lavender Orpington project ....

Jeremy, I know that the Korfus line of Lavender Orpingtons has some English blood in them. From what I understand is that the Hinkles used some black orps that had English blood in them.
I was hoping to Jeremy
we are currently growing out our 6th gen splits now, which have half English in them. lavender roo bred to Black English type hens.. once grown out as the norm goes cull cull cull.. should be producing 7th gen "lav orp" chicks and have in the brooders early spring 2012..will also have in the brooders about the same time, our 5th gen LF lavender a few other project orps we are currently working with..should be a fun filled 2012

am i happy with the progress.. heres a pic you decide..
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Yup, you look happy!
Your feathers are a little ragged, are you molting?

Can't wait to see the outcomes from your breeding programs, awesome as always!
yup..its been a work in progress..recross recross recross..but they are getting much much better since the beginning..however with that said, i believe it may always present problems with the loose feathers/heavy fluff.. select the best for breeders and the rest will be great egg layers for your farms.
The last hen is blue.

Yes she is blue. One of the original hens was blue. Because of her confirmation and fluff it was suggested to me to breed her back. I can still get lavenders if I breed correctly in my flock.

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