Lavender Orpington...

May 24, 2019
I have this Lavender Orpington, around 7 weeks old, and I’m REALLY hoping there’s still a chance for it to be a pullet!? I really wanted one, but if it’s a roo, I’m going to have to get rid of it!! (Don’t mind the mud on the feathers... so. much. rain. here in Kansas City lately, so the run area is pretty muddy at the moment!)
It looks like a cockerel to me, but it's somewhat harder to sex orpingtons. It's probably best to wait it out. I would cry if I had to give a lavender orp away :hit
Agree, looks like a cockerel... so pretty though! If she/he's really sweet you could wait until they crow, just to confirm - very unlikely but could theoretically be a super early developer...
Our 6 month old mixed breed hen just started laying, she has comb and wattles that size. When she was 6 weeks you could hardly see them. Lavender Orps are often beautiful, sweet birds... Sorry, but seems to be a rooster. :(

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