Lavender roo with slate legs?


9 Years
Apr 25, 2010
Southern IL
I don't quite know what this roo is. He is sort of a lavendar color with slate legs. I thought he was a marans roo. There is a supposed splash marans next to him in one of the pics. It is real windy here today. So I apologize for the way they look Any ideas? Is he an ameraucana without a beard or what??? There is apic of my blue blue roo named appropriately Big Blue. I haven't weighed him but boy is he tall and wide and looks like a brick. He is so dignified and stately and quite the gentleman so far. He is about 10 mos old and hasn't showed any bad behaviours so far and I deem him a keeper based on his disposition alone.


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x2. looks exactly like hinkjc's lavender orp project birds. You can tell lavender from blue by comparing the shaft color on the wing flights. If they are light on the outside of the wings and darker charcoal color on the underside of the wings it is lavender. If it is not, then it could just be a very light, even blue color.
That is interesting. I guess it was a freeloader when I ordered some ameraucanas and marans. Now what to do with him???
Makes me want to get a couple of pullets in blue, lav or splash orpington and see what they breed. Do they have that color of legs??????
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If you want something to breed him with, get some black orpington pullets. The babies will hatch out black, but be split to lavender. Cross the daughters back to the roo and you will get about half lavenders, half blacks that are split to lavender.

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