Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

my dad finally let me know he was able to get out to check on the rooster.... in the rain. He said he didn't seem "too wet" but that he couldn't tell as it was raining and getting dark. He closed the trailer door to help block the rain.

3 more hours before I can go check on him. If he is still hanging in there, I may take him inside and fix him a "room" in my extra bathroom with a brooder light, so if he gets cold he has the option to move under that.

Poor poor Kubota
I'm glad he wasn't tooooo Wet! This chicken thing is so funny. I'm completely worried about your dad, your weather and a chicken I've never met! Gotta love that!
LOL well, if it is any comfort to you the severe weather has passed, I don't think it is even raining anymore, and I guarantee you my dad is in bed warm, dry and asleep!

Just my poor Kubota needs extra thoughts and prayers.
it's only 12:45 Central time

I am absolutely aching to get home and check on him.

ETA: PA would be waaaaay to cold for this Florida girl!!

ETA again: by phone...he is a little wet but not bad only neck feathers. I made sure his towels were dry and fluffed a really light fleece towel around him like a nest.
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Now wouldn't that be cool if we could have a neighborhood safe from hawks, eagles, coyotes, fox and raccoons.....oh & lawnmowers. We could call it Chicken Heaven.
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Me too! I keep watching this thread like a soap opera; I just can't wait for the next episode! Glad everybody is ok...

What WILL we all do when Kubota is well again and out with HIS hens?!? Think of all the spare time we will all have!

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