Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

I think moving the thread would be fine. As far as the dead chunk of flesh...I'd say it has to go. Since you are seeing the vet you could probably let her decide. She will have all the sterile supplies to clean him up. I think he will do just fine but if he cant bear weight on that leg due to lack of bone/muscle etc it might be better off with all that tissue gone. That way it wont be a constant source of infection. Cant wait to hear how he does at the vet! I think the next picture of him should include you!
This afternoon Kubota was even less cooperative than yesterday. I assured him I would slap the snot out of him if he pecked me (I wouldn't *shhhhh* ). He didn't want in the sling, he didn't want to soak his foot, he didn't want to lay on his back......

I set him down and I thought I was going to have to chase him at first - he stood there very proud and straight and then started moving on without me (sometimes I hold his tail feathers to help him balance). He actually didn't go too far but settled in to pull at some grass. Then he just sat there and crowed in reply to Mr Bs other roosters (maybe reminding them he was still out there, and he KNOWS what they are doing with his hens).
I wrestled him onto his back and got him cleaned up and wrapped (him clicking and growling the whole time - he still doesn't peck me though). When I put him in with his fresh food and water he didn't eat at first. I fed my girls over near the gate so he could see them and he started clucking and talking to them and eating.
He loves having a frozen water bottle. He ate a few pieces of cold watermelon and I put a gatorade ice cube in his water.
In the morning I will get up early
and soak his leg and make sure he is cleaned and gorgeous before his date with the doctor.

I am thinking she will cut at least some of the dead stuff off.... I will try in the morning to get a pic that shows the noodly strings I am talking about (I have decided maybe they are cartilage that has died?).

I will find and ask a mod tomorrow afternoon to get us moved to a more appropriate place.... I will leave the title the same so if anyone gets lost they can just search for "lawnmower"
You can see one of them on the first pics right after it happened.... the front view of his stump (the beach towel has different colored circles, the "noodle" is laying along the very edge of a green circle).
At first I was concerned it was nerve, but it wasn't this floppy at first? and he doesn't mind me messing with it. Now that some of the flesh has died off, there are 2 more. I'll get pics tomorrow if I am awake enough to remember
What page are the original pics? Sorry I see them. Its so small hard to tell. Could be anything really.
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We had a saying in the hospital about our patients.....when they're well enough to start complaining, they're well enough to go home. Sounds like Kubuto is getting there. Can't wait for tomorrow!
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