Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

YAY Dr H's wife!!!!!!!
Yay for your vet!!!!!

I hope Kubota continues to get better. I will be following this every day!
This reaffirms my belief in karma. You've gone above and beyond to help Kubota, and now you're getting some well-deserved help of your own!
I have been thinking all day about how much more healing would actually take place if human medical doctors were as kind and compassionate as my vets. I'm not suggesting they should work for free - heck, my vet may charge me out the nose next week when I go in. But they are jsut soooo compasssionate to all creatures.

There have been multiple minor disasters with my first aid supplies - the bandage roll ended up in the mud on Sunday in the storm, my foster horse stole a bottle of povadine (not opened), and now my dog boosted the tape and I found it pulled off the roll all over my front yard as I left for work. Seriously?

Anyway, while I still had supplies I wrapped Kubota up this afternoon. He has gotten to where he will crow from his sling, from his kennel - and it doesn't matter how close I am standing. Wonder if he is answering the other roos, or if he is trying to give me fair warning he hates me and will eat my flesh? LOL

One thing Dr Wife WAS very concerned about was his weight loss - he weighed a little over 6lbs and originally he was probably about 13lbs. So while I load his plate with layer pellets, I have started back to yogurt and eggs as well. I gave him watermelon. I plan to go tomorrow and buy some chick starter (will it matter if it is medicated or not?). He isn't crazy about cat food and has gotten over his fascination with sardines.
Any suggestions on something to help him gain weight back? (oh yeah, and I still add a little kickin chicken whenever I can sneak it in, he won't eat stuff he knows has it on there)
I dont feed the laying food for any of my chickens. I feed the grower/finisher to my adults with the grit and extra calcuim. I also use Flock Raiser because that has more protein in it as well. When I had my Delaware Jack had Ricketts I bought him crickets and also gave him mealy worms. Now beleive me the crickets got expensive but if you were able to catche them in the wild that is extra protein for him as well. Mealworms also are protein also. I think that extra protein helps him to also heal faster. Do you think he may have worms or something? Try Ivermectin to worm him because it seems to be easier on them. I would probably call the vet and ask what else you can feed him but maybe the extra protein from cricketts and mealworms.

If we were closer by I would bring you some mealworms because I raise them for my chickens.
Yeah I have bought crickets for him and he ate them very enthusiastically at first, not so much now. I am off work tomorrow so hopefully I will remember to go buy him some more - they were easy to dunk in the supplement + grit without him noticign too much.
Would you believe none of our feed stores have Flock Raiser? seriously. They don't carry nutridrench either. We are supposed to get a TSC soon, so hopefully if nothing else they will have that!

I don't have meal worms but I can check around at some of the petstores etc and see if they carry them?

I am hesistant to worm him right now. Even though he is crowing and acting more energetic, his wattle is still really pale and I just want him to regain more strength and health first.

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