Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

Lori; I wish we could get some of your rain! It occurred to me this morning after reading some of the posts that Kubota may be using his energy to heal and not to digest his food.

One of the things that animals do when they are sick or hurt is to stop eating. The body can use its energy for tissue repair instead of digestion. Also, he is in a restricted environment where he doesn't need the same amount of food because he doesn't move around as much. And, just a thought, he might 'know' that if he weighs less it will be easier for him to hop around when he is healed. Could be any of these things.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents for today. You are doing a great job. If I needed care, you would be my first choice!
I thought he was gone this morning... thought he died in my arms. It may not be long before that is true

He fought me (as usual) about going on his back for his penicillin shot. I thought he had finally surrendered (as usual) - gave him his shot, picked him up and he was limp, white, head hanging, feet (foot) hanging... just... dead. I dont' know if it was the struggle and his weakened body - or somethign I did with the shot (I gave it the same as the last 10 shots, alternating sides of his breastbone
I put him over on his chest in my arms and he squinted at me. I set him on the grass by the gate / my chickens and he fell over on his side. If I gently shook him he would lay on his chest, with his beak resting on the ground and watch the girls. I didn't want him to die on the wet ground so I held him and talked to him. He was acting like his stump was particularly sore so I decided to soak his stump so maybe it would be as soothing as it has in the past for him. While I sat there with him in my arms, his stump soaking in povadine - his comb got pinker, his eyes opened and if I moved him he would cluck softly.
By the time I was done soaking his foot he was looking around. I turned him over (with some fuss) to wrap his foot and as I was pouring the povadine water over it, I noticed a circular black scab on the bottom of his stump. I didn't have a camera or my phone with me, but I wonder if it is bumblefoot? Anyway, I figured since this might be the last time I wrap his foot, I covered it all in ointment - pulled a bit of the black scab off and filled it full of ointment too. After I wrapped him I set him back on the grass and he settled in, didn't eat but watched my chickens.

After a little bit I put him back in his kennel, syringed some vitamin water to him and gave him some fresh food. At this point eating is more important that eating "chicken friendly" so I gave him mac n cheese, more honey and banana, yogurt with crushed up Vit B complex and pellets. As of when I left, he had not eaten.

I just don't know what to do. If he lives through the day and shows signs of fight (eating) I will take him to the vet tomorrow. Maybe Dr Wife can come up with something to help him. If he doesn't eat or perk up, I may have my dad cull him.

because I give up.
HI hun,, you no I have been reading your post from the very start. I want you to stop and think just a bit, what a great person and care take you have been to (K).
He has been living in a hilton next to where he was put to just heal on his own. What LOVE you have shown (K), more love then he has had is whole life. He must think he is in heaven.

You have done ever thing and more than most would do. DO NOT be hard on yourself. You have given (K) all the tools he needs to live but it is up to his will and no can control that.

Praying for you and (K)!!!
Hi Lorie, I have been reading this thread and haven't contributed so far as everyone else has said what I would say. However, I repeat all the good wishes you have been sent and have total admiration for you.

For what it is worth, I think that if Mr K was going to die, then he would have by now already. Since he has survived this far, then the only thing that could get him now will be infection and that is so unlikely given the injections and treatments you are doing on the foot.

He has shown such spirit and fight for life already that I am sure he will not give up now. Have you thought about bringing his crate indoors so he has you for company?

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