Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

Whatever happens, please know the good that you have done. So many of us appreciate the effort of the care and hope that you have given this little creature, and in many ways; the hope that you've given all of us. Blessings to you and K....

I went up to check on him (computer is at my parent's house) and he had moved to the back of the kennel. I gave him a clean towel and put him back towards the front so he could see out and be near the food and water. He is breathing kind of hard - not fast, just really deep. I wonder if in all of the rain, when he got wet he also got chilled and caught a cold or pneumonia? It is quite warm today too.... so I don't know.

I am so miserable.
i really hope he will be ok good luck i know it is hard when your chickens are sick or are going to die my favorite chicken named pecky got compacted crop and she lived 1-2 days after
but she would not drink eat or anything not even move
Oh Lori no matter what happens you have done so much more than most people. Considering the obvious emergency to get him to eat I thought of a couple more things that my hens eat daily.

I haven't read anywhere that you've given him any greens except for when you put him in the grass. My girls love almost all of the green vegetables (lettuce, kale, spinach, etc.). They also love to devour a whole head of cabbage. If you can get your hands on corn on the cob I would try some of this too. I put a wire rod through it and poke the rod in the ground and let the hens peck on it. Its funny. It looks like they're boxing with it. The corn will be good for him and it will give him something to do. You can also weave it through the kennel if you don't have the ground.

I definitely agree that it sounds like he's depressed. Can you imagine being a free bird and then living cooped up? Please go get one of your hens and let her run around the trailer. Treat the mites later...

I've read this entire thread and I'm sad too:(. If he does pass just know that he's going to a better place where he won't ever feel pain again.
Oh dear, I am so very sorry. You are a chicken angel and did the very best that could be done for him.
Prayers to you.

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