Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

I have a suggestion.
I the vet hospital I worked at we used to use 'sugardine' on really nasty wounds. Mix white granulated sugar with povidone (iodine) ointment until you had a thick, grainy paste. Apply liberally to wound (thickly) and cover. Each day, uncover, and wash gently with iodine wash and rewrap with fresh ointment. The sugar draws the infection out.
It's true! It's an old fashioned cure. Bacteria can't grow in the pure sugar. You can use just sugar and enough water to make a paste. It's been used for bed sores and wounds successfully for years and years.

Of course the honey is a good idea too. ( you can never go wrong with honey!)

I have used colloidal silver as an antibiotic with much success in pets and people. It can be given in their water and/or put on a bandage.
Please keep updating. We are all pulling for you and the poor fellow,.....
though he is doing well to have a friend like you!
our dog had a huge cyst removed-okay, lanced, on her tail. The vet had us slather the wound once a day with honey and wrap it up. It pulled out the fluids and kept it looking very healthy until it healed. And it healed from the sides in, not over the wound, so it was even better than expected.
It's honey for us from here on out.
..and cheaper. good luck with the poor guy.
I don't know gang.... I am awfully worried about Kubota. I was beginning to feel some sparks of hope, but he seems to have had a rough day today. I left a plate with egg, yogurt, cottage cheese, strawberry, pellets and canned cat food. Another plate with the same in my folks fridge and my dad gave it to him this afternoon. I can barely tell anything is missing from either one.

He is still really alert (pecked me!) and watchful, but he seems kind of depressed. I went to Walgreens and bought some more ointment and wraps and redressed his leg. I flushed it with a TON of povadine and set him on a clean towel for a few minutes to air dry. Then I drenched it again in povadine and did the whole ointment / gauze pad / bandage / tape thing. When I put him back in the kennel he did peck around some in the egg so I left him to it (flashlight on top of kennel shining on him) , but it didn't look like he ate much more. He was preening some though, and fussed when I had him on his back. I could see his breast bone though.

I just don't know anymore. If he is still alive in the morning I will try the sugar trick.... but I am afraid sweet Kubota won't crow at another sunrise.

and it breaks my heart.
yes... my equine vet sent me to a little country pharmacy that has basic vet supplies. I have given him (as of tonight) 3 injections of penicillin.

In fact, that reminds me - my vet called this evening after hours, apologizing profusely that my message had been buried beneath "other crud" and for me to come up first thing in the morning and he would hook me up with penicillin. I felt so sorry for him I didn't tell him I already had some
. He said if I want the bird seen I would do best by either waiting until Thursday to see his wife (said she is the chicken doctor, he would just tell me to do the same things I am doing) or to go to an avian vet in the next county. I don't know how much more $$ I can put into this (you would not believe what I already have).

It seems that by Thursday you will know whether his condition is improving or not. He doesn't sound to be taking a turn for the worst, so I would keep doing what you're doing and we'll all send positive vibes your way that he continues to do well.

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