Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

This may be completely random but I always notice my sick chickens perk up with a friend. Is there a hen you can put with him? I guess if he was your neighbors you may not want to risk their health. . . just a thought. You've done a lot for him, I'm sure he's grateful.
poor Roster

I have felt nervous around my birds and i just carry a stick. Though I dont think he'll attack you.

I want to know how old he is and also where dose he rank in the pecking order if he does recover he might be bossed around and limp. I remember in my life a bird had no toes yet got along fine .
I have no idea how old... he is huge but he has always been in a bachelor pen and only occasionally free ranged with the others. He has had "visitors" from time to time, so it wasn't a lonely miserable life. And since I have had my girls he stands and peers through the fence and talks to them.

ETA... I am not so nervous around him anymore. He pecked me tonight but it was a "leave me ALONE!" peck, not "I will eat your flesh" peck.
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I am not sure.
Kubota is still with us. I am going to try the "sugardine" wrap now. I am also going to set the kennel out in the yard in the shade so he can have a little excitement, he must be getting bored silly.
I have great faith in the sugardine treatment. I've seen some nasty, nasty wounds treated with it successfully. Degloving injuries mostly from being hit by cars. They take persistance but they come around. Air drying between treatments is important. Sugar and poviderm ointment, slather it on with a popsicle stick if you have one.
Praying for Mr. Kubota. You're doing a great job!
Lori, this story has touched my heart so much. I am sitting here in tears reading this, as most of us probably are. You are a real tropper with a heart of gold to be going the stretch with this little guy. I am sure this is all taking its toll on you, and when he gets better you and he will be unseperable and be the best of friends. I am sure that many of us would be willing to donate a few $'s to help your cause with Kubota if that is what it takes to get him better. Get him the care he needs even if it is amputation of the leg. Let us know what you need my dear and we shall help you. to some of us animals are our life. they are our friends, and 'family'.

Prayers sent to you both!

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wow that is hard to do by yourself, one handed! With ointment the gauze sticks and I can let go to wrap with bandage.... with sugardine (all I have is povadine liquid, no ointment) if the gauze falls off it takes all the "goo" with it and you have to start over!
I finally got him pretty well covered and wrapped... I put him outside and figure when I go to move him I will leave him unwrapped while I fix lunch, then I'll wrap him again. I have 1 more bottle of povadine, 2 tubes of ointment, 1 roll of tape, a large roll of bandage and plenty of gauze. I start back to work on Sunday. So I am going to have to give Kubota a bit of a timeline for showing me what he is going to do.

He was kind of interested in my girls who lined up at the gate to say "Hi".... my white EE roo, Big Poppy (formerly known as Marge) was crowing and crowing trying to get them to come back to where he was.

ETA - thanks, we were posting at the same time. I appreciate the offer, but I am doing ok. I just have to figure out where to draw the line on what I spend (both time and money)

another ETA
- How I finally got the gauze / bandage on was to lay Kubota on his back on top of the kennel. He was compliant, but I think I heard him say "When I no longer need your services I am going to peck out your eyes"

or something like that
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