Laws for Waltham, MA


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
Does anyone know the specific laws in Waltham? I have heard that it is legal to keep chickens in Waltham if you have 2 acres of land. This seems absurd to me as there aren't any areas of the city that have 2 acre properties.

There is an historical farm site in the city that raises sheep, goats, and chickens, so I know it is done (it obviously has more than 2 acres).

I am buying a new house there and I dont know if my neighbors would be amenable to the idea and am reluctant to ask in case they say no. Is it possible to keep chickens quiet enough that the neighbors wont notice? I only want a few hens and I have over a half acre of land (which is alot for the area).
Why not a move to a surrounding town with more land if you haven't moved there yet? If your looking to move, now is the time to look for property more suited to your needs. Moving to an area and trying to change laws isn't easy.
I have had backyard flocks for 4-almost 5 years now. My neighbors haven't cared so far. My chickens have been quiet for the most part. All the neighborhood dogs are way louder. Lucky for me, my direct neighbors know about my chickens but don't care. Theres one grumpy neighbor but he hasn't said anything, probably because I would complain about his constantly barking dog if he did.

I am in the planning process of moving out of this town. My life has evolved beyond what should be happening on a .5 acre lot. We are going to raise 10-15 meat birds. We usually have 10-15 egg layers. And now I am ready to start thinking about raising a pig or two for slaughter. 7 years ago when I moved here I never thought I would be doing this stuff but things change.
Point in case: don't buy property that doesn't suit your needs now. Thats like taking a step backwards. At least buying property that suits your current needs is like stepping neither forward or backwards. Then buying more property than you need because you could expand someday is like stepping forward. Changing laws isn't that easy. You may get lucky with neighbors and they don't care. Or you could get that one neighbor who feels like its his mission to complain.
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Fakefarmer1, our move is going to take up to 1 year maybe and I am trying to get as much information as I can so I can at least keep the current lifestyle as you mentioned.
In Illinois you can homestead more easily in Chicago then in suburbs although you might have 10 times more land. The rules and regulations are unbelievable.
Also I am the only one that cares about such lifestyle in the family. The kids are under 8 and need schools. I loose myself sometimes reading about off grid properties and homeschooling but I would be on my own on that :)
I learned that Somerville is chicken friendly. My DH said that is expensive area but that still gives me hope.
Which areas are you looking to move?
I really don't need much
, a small house with enough land for a few fruit trees, berries and grapes, a veggie garden and chickens, to start....
I learned that Somerville is chicken friendly. My DH said that is expensive area but that still gives me hope.
Which areas are you looking to move?
I really don't need much
, a small house with enough land for a few fruit trees, berries and grapes, a veggie garden and chickens, to start....
Somerville is chicken friendly but it the lots are TINY. As in 5000 sq ft tiny. You may want to expand your search further out. I'm north of Boston so my first thoughts are Harvard, Bolton, Berlin, Townsend, Groton, Pepperell and Dunstable. I'm sure there are also plenty of suitable cities southwest of Boston too, but I never head down that way.

Many people who work in Boston live in southern NH too.
Keesmom yeah you are right, single family houses on mini lots for 500k, wow. I just checked redfin and there is nothing cheaper in Somerville. Before we moved to Chicago 8 years ago we stayed in Amherst at my brother for a while. It was much cheaper then.
I will look at the towns you suggested. Do you know if they allow chickens?
I have some I would hate to leave behind
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