Laying a weird egg (with pictures)


6 Years
Mar 5, 2018
East Coast - Jersey Shore
My Coop
My Coop
I found this... thing today, when I was in the coop cleaning. It was by the nesting box, mixed in with a big, body looking pile of droppings. It's color caught my attention, so I isolated it. I haven't fed the girls anything unusual besides their regular, layer feed. They did have a little bit of left over fish from a restaurant, about 6 days ago, but nothing else except for a little scratch before bed each night. I even called the kids & asked if anyone fed the girls... (don't laugh) chicken McNuggets... they said no. That's what it looks like to me.

2 of my red sexlinks are 2 years old & just starting to lay again after their first molt. My other hens are 9 months old: 2 red sexlinks are laying very well; the Easter eggers stopped laying for winter; the Orpingtons are laying nicely; & 1 of my 2 Australorps are laying... the other one had a mini-molt & she stopped laying. Everyone's healthy & acting well, active & doing their regular chicken things. All the droppings are normal... but this 'thing' has me a little concerned. I've attached photos w/ a penny for perspective on size. I also (gross) cut this 'thing' in half... & attached the photo below. Should I be concerned? Does anyone have any ideas?

butt nugget - 2.jpg
butt nugget - 3.jpg
Lash egg. Weird things can happen when layers start back up laying again. Could be a hiccup or cause for concern about a reproductive issue.

OH! I have never heard of that! Thank you! Other than keeping my eyes on things... anything else I should do?!?! I don't know who laid it... I have suspicions it's one of my Reds. Not sure what to do now?
This article has some good advice. I don't have experience with it, myself.
Thank you! I will definitely check it out. I googled "Lash egg" and idk how I never heard of this before! I don't want to take any chances so I think I'd better give the vet a call & just have things checked out... I'm concerned however, with 12 chickens... how do we know WHO did it?!?! Thank you for your help!

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