Laying after broody


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 10, 2011
Haw long after a brook broody hen start laying again. My cuchin hasent been broody for over a week but still not laying.
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If she is with chicks, usually about 6 weeks.

If broody, then stopped being broody and no chicks.....anything from a few days to about 4 weeks.

My last broody with chicks took 14 weeks before she began to lay again.
After mine finish rasing a brood of babies it is usually around a month before they begin laying again. You still have around 4-6 weeks to wait...

Depends on the hen. I've had them take 4 weeks after they wean the chicks before they return to laying. My last one started laying about 3 weeks after the hatch, even before she weaned the chicks. That one did wean her chicks within a few days of starting to lay again.

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